If you grind your teeth, it means you clench your jaw and move it in a way that the upper and lower teeth rub together. This can lead to premature wear and tear of the teeth, which can result in tooth loss if left untreated. Furthermore, the clenching and grinding can cause considerable pain and discomfort. While there is no single cure for TMD, there are many treatment options intended to help alleviate the pain and damage associated with it. A common and effective treatment option for TMD is a Night Guard. A night guard is a custom-made plastic device that fits over some or all of your teeth. It also acts to protect your teeth from the damage caused by the grinding. By providing a barrier of defense and re-establishing natural space between your upper and lower teeth, night guards can help reduce the risk of cracking or chipping a tooth; instead of wearing down your teeth from grinding, you bite against the night guard instead. Furthermore, because night guards reduce the risk of straining your jaw muscles, they can lessen the associated pain that often results. While nightguards help the teeth, we generally recommend a multi-facet approach, and coordinating with a physiotherapist, massage therapist, or other health care providers may be the best option for you.